2010 — 15 October: Friday

Time to get out there and shop1 — just as soon as I've finished my cuppa. The stores cupboard is a little on the light side for the coming weekend.

I don't quite believe the "fun fact" in the book review here about the "inferno inside a jet engine [being] hotter than the surface of the sun" but at least the author has heard of the Comet.

Well overdue for some breakfast now. It's 09:52 and grey out there again.

Time to...

... put on my walking boots (just in case Iris is feeling frisky), pick up the Stravinsky piano-roll CD (it's way overdue for returning to Brian), and hit the lunch-time road, with a 15-minute tea-breaking detour on the way home to hear his miniature Class D amplifier.

Time to...

... put my feet up after a two-hour ramble along the Itchen, pay the missing postage for, collect, and work through the second batch of accumulated snail mail from dear Mama's former address, do the laundry, rejoice at the prospect of getting my hands on a neat, cheap little one-chip Class D amp that will (I hope) be perfect for use as an amplifier for my electrostatic headphones, and start thinking about yet another meal sometime soon. It's 18:07 and I'm hungry again (again).

How much??!

The guvmint has published data files with salary and staff information for some departments. Crikey. (Source.)
And org charts, too. (Source.) There's some poof-redding required.



1  There's (I've found) a narrow window of opportunity, as it were, between the schoolkids clutter and the first wave of us grey-haired panthers.