2010 — 24 July: Saturday

Having been sent straight up into the loft and told not to come down without those multiply-unblessed stamp albums...

Still, at least he's made me two cuppas so far this morning. It's 09:37 and Brian Matthew's music has been keeping us going as piles of old letters and postcards are sorted through. One nice find, in my opinion:


It's from the family Christa stayed with in Nebraska during her 1963 High School exchange year — the father being the circuit judge I'd successfully introduced to the music of Jean Michel Jarre back in 1977.

About time for breakfast, methinks.

What clock? Aah, such clock!

Better get some lunch inside me — it's already 15:08 and I'm feeling a bit peckish. But first, a pretty picture. If all goes according to the Brothers' cunning plan, the idea is to relocate dear Mama from her bijou Wombourne residence in the photo1 here to the rather grander place you can see if you click the pic:

Welcome to Winchester, dear Mama

A few minor details remain to be smoothed out. Like selling bijou Wombourne residence to finance the stay in rather grander place. But where there's a will, there's often a way.


Listening to a nice profile of Peter Sellers. How can it be 30 years since his death? And next up, it seems is the new classic serial — a year and a few days since I mentioned having read it...

And so (at 23:26 or so) to bed.



1  Her eyesight is none too good, so when I was wandering around outside her house taking a few shots she asked John "Who's that strange man and why's he taking pictures of my house?" You hafta laugh.