2010 — 17 July: Saturday
Oops. I've been catching up on some rather neglected data bases and have only just noticed it's already more than an hour into Saturday. I watched "District 13" earlier (on Blu-ray). Quite a romp from Luc Besson. And the Oppo seems to be told by the AudioLab pre-amp that I'm only using stereo, so it produces a stereo down-mix without my intervention. Excellent.
Time for sleep. G'night.
Having leapt into action...
... rather less vigorously than the "parkour" protagonists in last night's "flim" to change channels away from the dreadful J Woss1 as soon as "Sounds of the 60s" finished I think I shall now make a second cuppa and start crockpot stuffing. One doesn't want to rush these things. I also have about 30 hours remaining to clear a path to Junior's bed, and indeed to render it fit for a sleeping Big Bro. That gentleman should have arrived overnight from Hong Kong and is staying the first night with his brother-in-law near High Wycombe. (Could there possibly be an Air Show in the vicinity? Or a philately phling?)
All we have down here is the Mela Festival wherein (as I suggested to my neighbour when he told me about it) "those wily foreign Johnnies get everywhere, corrupting our home-reared yobs with their colourful culture".
17:22 already?!
Cannot be. It wasn't even lunchtime last time I looked. Still, the path to Junior's bed scarcely even needs a signpost, and there's little or nothing dangerous left on which to stub the Big Brotherly toe(s) should he go a'wandrin' during the night.
It's been far too long...
... since my last soothing stroll in the fresh air, so Mike and I have arranged to meet up tomorrow morning. If I'm not in when you eventually show up, Big Bro, I'll be hopping along somewhere cursing a blister (in all probability). Of course, this assumes I can put my hands on my boots, as it were. I can't even find any plastic sleeves for my latest batch of sleeves from my latest batch of video goodies at the moment. It's been a day of considerable music, and it's still (21:19) going strong as I potter along. Many tracks that have languished unlistened-to for far too long. (And I'm not even on random shuffle.)