2010 — 11 July: Sunday

Apparently, "if god was a DJ he'd rock, planet rock". An odd proposition for a Sunday morning, perhaps. Even odder, though, is that "Box B" (see yesterday) is supposed to wake up on a different channel. Never mind; I can still just about remember how to get the channel I want and this new one (new to me — I suspect my son's mentioned it) is perfectly acceptable.1 Some overnight drizzle has also cooled things down at least for the time being, the time being 08:06 and ripe for a cuppa.

Right. No time to waste. Need to dress, eat at least one Weetabix, and then there are the last few bits of kitchen kit to relocate into the now clear back half of the living room. After that, it's time for a major Dyson suck job. I will also be able to investigate the tottering pile of bricks on which Christa had perched a four-way power strip once I've cleared away the cobwebs. I may even uncover the ant highway that a few stragglers are still using.

Brief respite

It's 11:06, hot, and I've just been consigning some aged cans and jars of stuff I would never have eaten in any case to the great landfill in the, erm, earth. Amazon in the US, meanwhile, has just unwisely suggested (on the basis of my owning a DVD of "The confessions of Robert Crumb" — an excellent 1987 BBC "Arena" documentary2) that I might wish to consider an 80-year-old film ("Paid") with Joan Crawford. Since it's cut to order on DVD-R, and since they can't ship it to my default address (which is, be it ever so humble, the only one I have), I shall give it a miss.

An hour later, I'm finally in a position to unplug, move, and reconnect the fridge-freezer and the two freezers. The kitchen looks almost quite large, temporarily.

Domestic Ungod

I figured as long as I was disconnecting the cooling boxes, maybe it might perhaps (who knows?) be a good idea to defrost them while I'm at it. After all, I haven't done this for, erm, well, over two and a half years, actually. It's a lot easier to do on a hot day, so that's my excuse. The fridge-freezer is now once again moving therms around, from its new temporary home in the hallway. Number #1 freezer is dropping mini-icebergs3 (from the sound of it) as I type. Freezer #2 is as yet untouched, but since I managed to empty freezer #1 completely (partly by judicious chucking out of further stuff that had lingered / survived my initial cull back in November 2007) I can simply shift contents left logical, as it were. (The two freezers are close siblings.) Well, that's the theory.

It's 13:24 and I'm feeling more than a bit on the peckish side. Must be handling all this old food.

Moving along...

Freezer #1 is now in the living room, plugged in, and making it hotter round here by chilling down to the point where I can transfer the contents of freezer #2 into it, and then go through the defrosting rigmarole again. It's 16:20 and Jarvis is in full flow on BBC 6Music. And my shorts are (again) drying after I managed to sit in a puddle on the kitchen floor. Probably better not to ask. When I've manoeuvred the frost-free freezer #2 to wherever it's out of the way, I shall finally be able to relax and await the vinyl fitters tomorrow. This is quite hard work, but not rocket science.

In fact, having now (17:11) culled another few items of frozen gorp that were long past a wide range of "best before" dates, even after adding on the max suggested freezer storage time (often just a month), I find myself left with freezer #1 only half full, and am wondering if I actually need freezer #2 after all. (I've generally used the freezer cabinet of the fridge-freezer in the last two and a half years.) Still, at least the kitchen floorboards are now all clear to be covered with plywood and vinyl. Time enough to think about surplus kit once there's a decent floor covering everywhere rather than stuck-down sliced bits of curling old vinyl.

Following a reading of "Om" by Alan Watts, Jarvis has just played a track from the not-very-well-known "Soulful Strings" album I mentioned here. Cool! Better turn down the volume again, I guess.

With the "Freak zone" winding down...

... it occurs to me that I'd better have my evening meal. Hot weather has always tended to suppress my appetite, as has exercise. I've had my share of both today. But it's just gone 20:01 and there are some rumbling sounds from the ol' tum.

And lo! It came to pass that, at 22:29, I could finally powerdown the Dyson and declare everything ready for tomorrow. So, over to Guy Garvey, and I shall crack on with Mansfield Park having finished Persuasion yesterday. I also need to dodge out for some supplies tomorrow morning before work starts. And I was emailed earlier with a (new to me) Emo Philips gag:

My girlfriend left me because I didn't open the car door for her. I just climbed through the window and swam to the surface.

Emo Philips, at the Edinburgh Fringe several years ago

Shades of Edward Kennedy!



1  Except for the fact that they source their hourly "news" from that lovely Mr Murdoch's little outfit. And their irritatingly stupid, gabbled ads. I really don't like ads.
2  Quite why, as a UK resident BBC licence fee payer, I have to get some of their archive material from the US has always puzzled (and annoyed) me.
3  A process that I've hastened considerably now that I have copious amounts of piping hot water available within a couple of seconds of turning on the hot water tap at the kitchen sink, of course. Previously, I can remember boiling kettles — the lousy state of our domestic hot water system obviously crept up on us so slowly over the years that we just adapted to it.