2009 — 14 October: Wednesday

Happy birthday to me! Tonight's picture of Christa and me, by no means the crispest in my collection, is from the mid 1980s:

Christa and me in the mid 1980s

Having given up on "Babel" I enjoyed listening to the radio profile of Serge Gainsbourg.1 That, and various household chores, have been keeping me busy. Mike and I have a short-ish walk planned for tomorrow, ahead of a slap-up meal. And an incredibly early start to Thursday, too, for a day out in Huntingdon while Mike's Quad electrostatic speakers get a good going over.

The Leopard's blemishes

You have to love "industrial strength" software. If you please: Users who first log into a guest account and then into their normal account have found it to be completely reset to factory default settings, with none of their personal data or files visible. Don't you just hate it when that happens? Luckily, I have no guest account(s) on my iMac and its new "Snow Leopard" operating system. (Source.)


When good cakes go bad

Seems an appropriate birthday story, somehow. Gotta dash.

Right. Breakfast? Eaten. Lunch? Packed. Weather? Cool, grey, but dry. Now, where did I put the car? It's 09:48 and nearly time to set off. Mustn't lose this race!

I've a sneaking suspicion...

... that "they" (in this case, Southern Water) really didn't want us to wander through this gate and onto the land by their water tower2 (just off the A34 north of Winchester)...

10 keys

... Mind you, the adjacent fence was eminently climbable had we been so "inclimbed". (Just a passing observation.) Thanks to Mike for the pic.

Rights? What are they?

The Carter-Ruck firm of solicitors live up to their nickname in Private Eye. (Or, as Dorothy Parker is said to have observed at a party involving ducking for apples: "There, but for a typographical error, is the story of my life!") Even the BBC's "Media Show" took a pop at them today. Random source here.

Thanks, Mr Postie

Saving my venetian blinds, these were slung over the back gate for a change:




1  I had no idea that Susan Sontag wanted to be buried as close as possible to Gainsbourg's grave!
2  Always a welcome landmark on the tedious drive back from visits to dear Mama in the Midlands.