2009 — 7 October: Wednesday

This evening's yawns follow an enjoyable romp through one of the "extras" DVDs from the West Wing boxed set, courtesy of Brian's flying visit a few hours ago. But now it's time for one of those rare pictures (a very battered old print) of me and Christa in the same shot. I'd date it to the mid 1980s:

Christa and David, mid-1980s

I have a little expedition into Soton planned for tomorrow, nominally to inspect the quality of a recently-repaired flat roof. It's in a good cause. G'night.

For reasons not...

... totally unrelated to a book of my own that I've been drafting (as an enjoyable background task) for the last 15 years1 or so, I have a quotation (here) by Natalie Angier from her 1999 book "Woman: an intimate geography". I was amused this morning to find a review of this book ten years on, as it's apparently only just been published in Australia. Source and snippet:

But it is the unfortunately named 'upsuck' hypothesis which attracts most attention from Angier: orgasm increases the chance of becoming pregnant by drawing sperm deeper into the reproductive tract. This is part of a broader theory of human reproductive biology which postulates that ancestral women had multiple sexual partners.

Paul Griffiths in Australian Review

Hoggamus, higgamus indeed! Time (09:52) for a spot of brekkie and a second cuppa. Aah, the life of the retired...

All that glisters

$1,043 for an ounce of gold? Madness. I shall settle for ERNIE's tax-free bounty of £25 once again. Better than a poke in the eye, etc etc

Somewhat later

The rain has more or less stopped, though not before soaking us down in Southampton as we inspected what we could see of a new flat roof at "Fabricland". Of course, few trips down to the town pass without picking up a little something or other, though I shall save that news for another time. Meanwhile, Mr Postie and Mr Amazon Home Delivery are clearly conspiring to ruin my venetian blinds:

Books and DVDs

Rumour has it that Simpsons #9 was the last season before a fallow patch. I've been looking forward to the latest Richard Curtis (anathema to some, but not to me). And I mentioned the Fowler detective novels last Sunday. It's now 14:47 and the lofty exploration can now resume. After a cuppa.

Phew! Another half a cubic metre or so of stuff brought down for inspection, scanning, and discarding. Slow, steady progress. Actually, the loft is beginning to look almost roomy once again. This is goodness. Meanwhile, listening to BBC Radio 4 all about "Powers of Attorney" is getting on my nerves. People seem to rate far below property in the eyes of the law. And the rain has resumed. It's 15:31 and counting...

Still counting, but it's now 22:17 and definitely time for a movie.



1  You can't hurry these things, you know!