2009 — 29 April: Wednesday
I listened with some interest to the programme "The Other Side" about death and dying on (very unusually) BBC Radio 2, hosted by DJ Johnnie Walker. I can't say it changed what I believe, though I have to smile at the thought of sending Christa off in one of the "colourful" coffins — an ice-cream cone, perhaps?
I'm hoping for at least a short walk later today. Probably won't be as sunny, however, as it was in Old Windsor in the garden of our flat there 34 years ago:
The scar from her (left) shoulder operation in Ascot hospital (the previous year) had healed very nicely by then but she believed very much in the curative benefits of exposure to sunshine — often without even keeping her vest on, for heaven's sake! :-)
I (don't) know where we're going...
... but it's sunny and clear, so breakfast, and a packed lunch (just in case) and it'll be off to my normal starting point at least. It's 07:54 and I've been getting some exercise by watching one of my neighbours jogging past the house — can't say he looked as if he was enjoying it.
Nice to know that the eternal verities are, erm, being upheld:
The FCC had changed its policy on fleeting expletives that denote "sexual or excretory activities" as part of a crackdown on indecency on TV.
Mind you, if we're all constructed in &deity's "image", one has to wonder what said &deity says when she stubs her toe. ("Sugar", if she's anything like Christa was!)
Yippee! Having had our esteemed leader on YouTube, I'm to be sent a guvmint leaflet telling me all about swine 'flu, face masks and the like...
Of course, if you're in a hypochondriacal panic, you'll probably think that anything is better than nothing. And they've got to be more effective than hiding under the kitchen table. Which, if you remember, was the government's advice for surviving a nuclear attack.
"Duck and cover" indeed.
He's back
A nice, gentle six mile ramble around Compton and along the river. Back past the college and now (14:06) definitely ready for a bite to eat. Sunny, slight breeze, loads of blossom but not yet any great reaction to it. Grand.
There was some stuff sitting on the doorstep from Mr Postie when I turned onto my drive. And (of course) I had nipped down into town yesterday, too. Here's most of it, with just the one Blu-ray in the mix:
I can clearly remember paying £9-99 for pre-recorded VHS tapes on "sell-through". None of these DVDs cost that much. Even the Blu-ray1 was only £7-98 and the rest were all between £3-98 and £4-98. Remarkable. (Though I admit it doesn't match the 20p or so that Brian sometimes achieves at car boot sales.)
Right! Time (16:04) to go and deliver my portable DVD player2 to Roger and Eileen for their temporary entertainment purposes.
19:35 sounds to me like time to fire up a plasma pixel or two...