2007 — 8 Apr: Sunny Sun/son too
"Lazy Sunday afternoon" and before noon too, for that matter, to quote from The Small Faces.
Another shockingly slothful slow start today — isn't it great? But it is Sunday, after all, and Easter Sunday at that!
Bishops see nothing incongruous or outrageous in officiating with their blessings at the launching of Polaris submarines; but they have never been known to open casinos or race tracks. For their propensity to swallow unethical camels and strain at imaginary moral gnats, the Christian churches are unsurpassed.
I'm reminded (by my son's rejection of a MacBook yesterday) of a note sent to me recently by one of my (many) ex-managers in IBM. I
reproduce it in its carefully unproofread entirety:
"Don't listen to any of the delusional mac zealots. Their simple
polo necked lives are enriched only by petty baubles and glittering piffle. The reason mac users say they have no problems is because
they don't use their overpriced machines for much beyond surfing the web for hair gel and designer hats and scarves.
As for linux, it's a disgraceful mess of command line sorcery and low grade open source software, and is only to be considered by
people with large beards, no social life and questionable personal hygene."
I believe the original was in a thread on the BBC web site following up an Open Letter to Bill Gates (whoever he is) by Robert Peston — a BBC business editor. I've not read through all the follow-up posts, so I can't be certain.
Flash attack!
Junior alighted upon my Bulletproof Monk DVD1 for his early afternoon entertainment but, on seeing the stickmen fight in the menu sequence, he promptly raced upstairs to search out and show me this amusing animation.
The remainder of his visit was spent with me "refreshing" the contents of my Media Player that is, once again, migrating to Battersea. Time for a neighbourly cuppa!