2007 — Day 100 - farewell, Big Bro

And a safe return from the French ski slopes for Junior...

The scanner has been deemed satisfactorily faster than its Minolta baby brother, which has no support or driver for use under Windows XP. How's that for magnificent obsolescence?

In a change from our scheduled programme, we showed him the remake of The Thomas Crown Affair though he later hinted he may have seen it on an aircraft (or two). That's the hazard of being a globe-trotting international aircraft trouble-shooter, I suppose. I still enjoyed it again.

The Works turned up trumps

They may be stacked to the gunwales with cheap remaindered stuff that nobody could possibly ever have wanted even in the first flush of full price, but browse their shelves and be amazed:

And, continuing the cerebration in town, we can now add to the list:

11 February 2007  


1  Firefox, Thunderbird, Gaim, Skype, OpenOffice, CDex, Audacity, The Juice, Nvu, Inkscape, The GIMP, 7-Zip, Spybot, ClamWin, Scribus, and a batch of games