2007 — Day 72 - bright & sonny

Big Bro's in town (in a manner of speaking) — right now he's probably enjoying a cooked brekkie with Mater in the Midlands. Unless they're still sleeping off the wine (possibly the stuff we took up there for her 90th birthday, dammit!)
So, task 1: write the weekly letter. Back shortly.

Pension enquiry

Bet you didn't know HM Revenue & Customs actually has a form (P161) named "Pension enquiry". More pointedly, they seem to expect me to remember stuff that would only appeal to Rainman, let alone own (and use) both a photocopier and a paper-based filing system:

Do not complete sections 6 or 7 if you completed a tax return for the 12 months ending on 5 April last, please give the 10 figure reference number which was on your Tax Return.


This is bad on so many levels that it's scarcely worth noting the inconsistent use of capital letters!

14 January 2007