Roku SoundBridge

I bought this on a whim one day several months before I retired as I wandered past what used to be called "Hampshire Audio".1 What I didn't realise at the time was the relatively unpolished state of the open source server that was then still being developed for it. It did work fine with iTunes on the iMac that I'd also bought (more or less) on a whim after retiring, but iTunes on a Windows PC was a whole different horror show. So, like the Asus Eee PC, the Roku spent a couple of years getting dusty. Now, of course, after initial testing with the living room system...


... it's doing a grand job receiving music files streamed from the Asus and feeding them to my reading room audio system. Or it was. Since acquiring the Netgear A/V media player I've now donated the Roku to Brian as he can make better use of it for his Internet radio hobbies.


1  My first toy from there was a Technics ST-S4L FM tuner in October 1981 that memorably boasted a one farad capacitor. That tuner turned out to be the longest-lived single piece of kit I've so far owned, eventually failing only after 27 years or so of faithful service. Quite remarkable. I still have a large FM array on the roof, but no longer have anything capable of understanding its analogue waveforms :-)