Browsing a SQLite DB
For my future reference1 I shall describe how to set up and configure a SQLite DB browser with which I can inspect the results of Brian's Python charming on (for example) my Books DB.
... simply by ignoring the version in the Mint repository. It's a tad too back-level to be useful. I ended up following the excellent instructions here (after downloading of the "DB Browser for SQLite" code). Of course, I didn't actually attempt to compile it...
$ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake .. $ make $ sudo make install
... until I'd installed the build-essential, cmake, libqt4-dev and libsqlite3-dev packages that are part of the recipe for success. That would have been silly, wouldn't it? After a minor brief misunderstanding about what constituted the source directory I was able to admire...
... the results of a successful compilation and installation process. Though I'm a little puzzled by its claim to be showing records 1 to 7 when it's clearly only displaying six of my books in that view. I shall skip lightly over any questions about my "Books" database being called "David.db" and I suggest you do the same. (There is a long-term master plan. We're not quite there yet.)